
2935 Cane Field Dr.
Sugar Land, TX 77479

Always Defensive Driving FAQ's

Always Defensive Driving is listed on your website as a driving school which offers driver training courses. How do I know if Always Defensive Driving is a certified school in Texas?
While we include a list of driver training schools on our website for your convenience, we cannot guarantee that every single one of them is currently licensed by the Texas DMV.  We suggest you contact Always Defensive Driving directly or the Texas DMV to find out if Always Defensive Driving is a fully-accredited driver training school.
Somebody told me that I can skip out of attending a driver training school if my parents give me behind-the-wheel training instead. Is that permissible in Texas?
Each state has its own rules regarding driver training.  Some states will allow parentally-supervised driver training as a substitute for enrolling in a behind-the-wheel training course which is taught by a professional driving instructor.  However, not all states allow this.  You should contact the Texas DMV to find out for sure.
What if I don't know how to operate a vehicle with a stick-shift? Does Always Defensive Driving have an automatic-shift vehicle they'll allow me train with?
Since you're just learning how to drive, you probably don't know how to operate either a manual-shift or an automatic-shift vehicle!  However, if you have a preference as to a stick or an automatic, you probably should call Always Defensive Driving to see if they can accommodate your request prior to your signing up to take their driver training course.
I live out in the middle of nowhere. There are rural and mountain roads all around. Will Always Defensive Driving teach me how to drive in BOTH rural AND city areas?
If you live in a rural or mountain area, chances are that a local driving instruction institute like Always Defensive Driving will include behind-the-wheel driver training specifically tailored to that terrain. 
After I turn 14, will I be eligible to obtain my learner's permit so I can begin to learn how to drive?
It depends on which state you live in, however most states unfortunately require you to be at least 15 (or sometimes 15 1/2) before you can be issued a instruction permit.  We suggest that you contact a local driver training school such as Always Defensive Driving or the Texas DMV office to learn more about the minimum age requirement for driving in Texas.
Am I required to take a Sugar Land Texas classroom or online drivers education course before I can register for a driver training course through Always Defensive Driving?
This requirement varies from state to state but most states do require pre-licensed drivers to take BOTH a classroom-based driver education course (generally 30 hours in length) AND a behind-the-wheel training course.  You should ask Always Defensive Driving if they offer one or both programs.
I have to take a defensive driving course in Sugar Land Texas. Can I meet this requirement by signing up with Always Defensive Driving?
Yes, Always Defensive Driving offers behind-the-wheel training courses in Sugar Land Texas.  You will need to contact Always Defensive Driving directly to get more information on the types of courses they offer and when to register for a class.
What type of driver ed do I need before Texas will give me a driver's license?
Each state has its own requirements concerning drivers education, although you should know that most states now require all new, young drivers to complete a safe driving classroom or online course as well as a driver training course.  Always Defensive Driving may be able to help you fulfill the driver training requirement in Texas.  Please contact either Always Defensive Driving or the Texas DMV for more information.
Am I obligated to take a Sugar Land Texas driver training course?
All drivers in Texas are required to take a driver training course.  You should contact Always Defensive Driving to learn more about the courses they offer.
Can I register for a Texas behind-the-wheel training course prior to having my Texas learners permit?
Most states require pre-licensed drivers to hold a instruction permit before being permitted to register for a behind-the-wheel training course.  You should contact a driving school like Always Defensive Driving and ask for more information.

If you're under the age of 18 and you need to fulfill your drivers license requirements, why not do it the fast and easy way? You will  our course, thousands of teens have!